I'll start with a major upgrade I added this year. Automated watering. The two larger beds are now watered via a timer connected to drip hoses. 15 minutes of water at 4am, and 15 minutes at 4pm. Seems to be hitting the spot. $50 bucks and about 3 hours of work and I've saved I don't know how many hours of watering. Why yes, bartender, I will have another Guinness. I don't have to wake up and water tomatoes in the morning.
It's Memorial Day weekend and I planted a little late this year so I'm slightly behind last year in terms of fruit ripening, but the tomato plants are absolutely insane. I think it's the consistent watering. Or the steroids. Who knows?
On the menu this year are grape tomatoes, tomandes, amelias, whoppers, and cherry tomatoes.
Here are some other highlights from the garden:
Oh, and Buck says what's up.
Maybe I'll actually keep up with this blog for a while. Probably not! Hope your garden is kicking ass too!